MADRID. JUNE 26, 27 AND 28, 2020.
Prof. Ming Qing Zhu was born in Shanghai, China in 1940. After graduating in 1964 from the first acupuncture class at the Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, Prof. Zhu was sent to work in Guizhou. In no time, he earned the reputation of a seasoned doctor because of the remarkable results of his works.
On November 24, 1987, he demonstrated an innovative acupuncture technique on a hemiplegic stroke patient at the 1st International Conference of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Beijing, where the patient stood up and ambulated without support. He has continued to garner international recognition since then.
Prof. Zhu is the original founder of Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture, one of four scalp acupuncture systems known in China. He is also a major contributor to the International Standardization of Scalp Acupuncture, published in 1984.
From 1964-1987, Prof. Zhu served as Director or Assistant Director at the following institutions:
Physician-in-charge, Guiyang Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Hospital
Assistant Professor, Guiyang TCM College
Acupuncture Anesthesia Office of Lishui District, Zhejiang
Acupuncture Department, Lishui Hospital
Educational and Research Office of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Zhejiang TCM University
Research Institute of Acupuncture and Traumatology, Beijing
Scalp Points Research Group of the Chinese National Acupuncture Association
Prof. Zhu has authored more than 15 articles, professional papers and books on acupuncture. Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture was published in Chinese, English and Japanese.
In 1987, Prof. Zhu was invited and honored by the Red Cross and the Academy of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan as the Outstanding Individual from Mainland China. This was the first formal invitation bestowed upon a Chinese medical professional in 40 years. The sensational response to his visit in Taiwan was described by the media as the "Whirlwind of Zhu's Magic Needles." Prof. Zhu was also presented with the 1990 Acupuncturist of the Year Award by the International Congress of Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong. He was listed in the 1996 issue of the Who's Who of Chinese and Foreign Celebrities.
Throughout his 50-year career in TCM, Prof Zhu has never stopped teaching and treating patients, and is sought after from every corner of the world. Since 1989, Prof. Zhu has been lecturing throughout Asia, North and South America, and Europe. He serves as an advisor to several Acupuncture associations, and is currently a faculty member of the Doctorate program of the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, the President of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture Research & Education Foundation (ZSAREF), and the Director of Zhu's Acupuncture Medical & Neurology Center.Ms. Moyee Siu is an expert in Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture, one of four scalp acupuncture systems in the world. She is co-founder of Zhu’s Neuro-Acupuncture Center and has a comprehensive background in Chinese Medicine and rehabilitation. While she is trained in treating a variety of ailments, her true passions are Bell’s Palsy, strokes, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and migraines. She has close to 100% success rates in treating Bell’s Palsy and migraines. As a specialist in all these areas, she works to raise the patients’ awareness of self-healing power, and teaches them self-care through breathing, relaxation, meditation, physical exercises, rest and nutrition.
In addition to private practice, Ms. Siu teaches other established acupuncturists Zhu’s needling techniques. Ms. Siu is fluent in English and Chinese (both Cantonese and Mandarin), which enables her to bring the latest Eastern medical research to her patients. She is also a frequent speaker and organizes seminars for scalp acupuncture throughout the United States, Latin America, Asia and Europe. She was the only acupuncturist invited to speak at the 2009 Congress on Spinal Cord Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Ms. Siu ‘s academic background is extensive, including a Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine. She is nationally board certified and licensed by the State of California in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She has been fortunate to intern under Prof. Ming Qing Zhu, a world-renowned master of acupuncture, Chinese medicine and the originator of Zhu’s scalp acupuncture. After a decade long of apprenticeship with Prof. Zhu, Ms. Siu has inherited the fine qualities of a good and caring doctor. She is known for her gentleness and putting her patients at ease with their situation.
Basic of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture Description of Course
Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture is a micro system of acupuncture. It has applications to treat most
illnesses that are encountered in a TCM practice and enhance the outcome of the treatment
significantly. The Basic Module explains the concept of this modality and its general
Upon completion of the class, the graduates will be able to:
1) Utilize Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture in their practice as a primary or complementary treatment
2) Sharpen their diagnostic skills and develop efficient treatment plans for patients with
diverse range of medical conditions;
3) Enhance the effectiveness of their treatments, achieving fast and long-lasting result.
Day 1
History of Scalp Acupuncture
Theory & Characteristics of Scalp Acupuncture
Locations, Functions and Indications of ZSA (Part I)
Hands on Practice of locations
Day 2
Locations, Functions and Indications of ZSA (Part II)
Operations of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture
Standard Procedures and Special Techniques
Operation of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture Daoyin
Day 3
Demonstration on treatment of common diseases
Hands on practice of locations
Hands on
9.30 - 14.00 y de 15.30 -19.00
El plazo de inscripcion se cerrará el 8 de mayo de 2020, fecha a partir de la cual podremos confirmar la realización del curso. En el caso de que el seminario no pudiera llevarse a cabo, el importe de la inscrpción sería devuelto íntegramente. La organización no se hará responsable de gastos de alojamiento o de desplazamiento.
Alumnos y ex-alumnos de MEDITCHI-CEMETC NORTE: 700 €. Resto: 750 €
* Tendrán además derecho a la reducción del precio aquellas personas que, aún no siendo alumnos o ex-alumnos de MEDITCHI-CEMETC NORTE, en el momento de la inscripción, presenten copia de los diplomas que acreditan que han asistido al menos a 3 de nuestros Seminarios Internacionales celebrados con anterioridad.
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Titular de la cuenta: Cristina Rojo Tomás
IBAN: ES64 3059 0096 8130 7566 1227
País: España
Entidad: Caja Rural de Asturias
Dirección: Calle Donato Argüelles, 3
Población: 33206 Gijón ES
POLÍTICA DE CANCELACIÓN: No se devolverá el importe de la inscripción si el participante solicita la cancelación en los últimos 15 días.
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